Consultancy – BPO International Market Expansion Strategy
Challenge Fund for Youth Employment
Management & Business Development
- Minimum Qualification :
Job Description/Requirements
This job will be suitable for those who have a solid understanding of the Nigerian and international markets (especially Western markets) for business process outsourcing in different business disciplines
CFYE Overview
The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is a 7-year and €135 million programme funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that aims to create a prosperous future for 230,000 young women and men in the Middle East, North Africa, Sahel & West Africa and Horn of Africa regions. The Fund supports implementing partners in 11 countries that will offer youth, in particular young women, opportunities for work that is demand-driven and productive, offering a stable income and safe working conditions, and that is contributing to their personal development and social protection.
rivate sector, civil society and knowledge institutions work on projects geared to scalable solutions for creating more and better jobs and income generating opportunities for youth. Solutions in particular focus on an integrated approach that addresses the shortcomings on the demand side (jobs) and supply side (skills) and bridging the mismatch between these two in the labour market.
ssignment Overview T
hroughout its portfolio, one of the pathways for creating jobs for youth is through so-called business process outsourcing (BPO). CFYE’s portfolio in Nigeria is one that features several IPs active in this domain. One of them is Outcess, a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) provider with 20 years of experience in contact center solutions, AI-driven customer engagement, data processing and other domains.
s much as Outcess is one of the leading companies in this domain in Nigeria, it has a strong ambition to scale internationally, to drive revenue growth, to reduce staff attrition by offering competitive wages and to increase employment for young people. For its international expansion, Outcess is mostly looking at opportunities on the US, Cananda and UK market and subsequently also in other markets in Europe and the GCC. H
ow to Apply A
short technical proposal, a budget (in NGN) based on the abovementioned LoE and CVs and relevant track record of the consultant should be submitted. The CV and track record should include detailed and recent information about similar, recent assignments or jobs taken up by the consultant. Preferably the CV also contains contact details for reference checks on past employers/assignments. Applications should be sent to and by 17th of March the latest.
ey outsourcing activities include
- ustomer Engagement & Contact Center Solutions: Inbound & outbound call center services, Multichannel & omnichannel customer support {voice, chat, email, social media, Customer service and technical support, Helpdesk and IT support services, Telemarketing and sales support). B
- usiness Process Outsourcing (BPO): (Back-office support {data entry, document processing, transaction processing}, Claims processing {insurance, healthcare, finance}, HR outsourcing {payroll processing, employee onboarding, recruitment support}, Virtual assistance and administrative support). A
- I-Powered Customer Experience & Automation: (Intelligent chatbots & virtual assistants, Automated customer service solutions, AI-driven analytics for customer engagement optimization, Predictive dialing, call automation and software development). I
- ndustry-Specific Outsourcing Solutions: (Banking & Financial Services: Compliance monitoring, loan processing, customer support, E-commerce & Retail: Order processing, customer inquiries, returns management, Telecommunications: Subscriber support, billing inquiries, technical troubleshooting, Healthcare: Medical billing, insurance claims processing, patient support). T
- o assess the opportunities on these markets for Outcess, and to create a market entry strategy for selected markets, Outcess, together with CFYE, is looking for an international market expansion consultant to help shape its strategy. This Scope of Work lays the details for the related consultancy assignment.
bjectives and Activities
he ultimate objective of this consultancy is to help establish Outcess as a globally competitive outsourcing provider, generating $1 million in revenue from international markets within the first 12 months of strategy implementation, which should ultimately lead to more and more sustainable employment opportunities for youth. As a result of this assignment, Outcess aims to
arket Entry & Positioning
- dentify 3-5 high-potential outsourcing contracts with international clients. D
- evelop a scalable market entry framework for long-term international growth. R
evenue & Business Growth A
- chieve at least $1M in projected international revenue within 12 months. G
- enerate 10+ inbound inquiries or RFPs within the first 6 months.S
- trategic Partnerships & Client Acquisition S
- ecure at least 3-5 partnerships with international stakeholders (e.g., businesses, government agencies, trade organizations).B
- uild an active pipeline of potential clients in short-term priority markets (USA, Canada, UK).J
ob Creation & Talent Development S
- upport Outcess in creating 500–1,000 new jobs through secured contracts. T
- o develop a strategy to reach the above and to enable the Outcess team to achieve these targets, it is foreseen that the consultant takes up the following activities: M
arket Analysis & SelectionI
- dentify high-potential BPO markets by evaluating economic indicators, competition, and regulatory barriers. Assess opportunities in key sectors such as finance, telecom, healthcare, and e-commerce in the UK, US, Canada and potentially other international markets.
eliverables: M
- arket Analysis Report S
- WOT Analysis of Target Markets R
- egulatory Compliance Summary M
- arket Entry Strategy Development
efine entry models for each individual market identified under A. through pathways such as partnerships, direct presence, licensing, joint ventures and others. Develop a roadmap with key activities, timelines, and milestones to realize market entry. For each strategy, conduct a financial feasibility & investment (needs) analysis.
eliverables: M
- arket Entry Strategy Document B
- usiness Models & Partnership Recommendations F
- inancial Projections & Risk Analysis
Compliance & Regulatory GuidanceF
or each of the selected markets, provide guidelines on key regulatory considerations for Outcess’ market entry, such as labor laws, data protection, and operational compliance. Also for each market assess tax implications & incentives for foreign businesses.
- egulatory Framework for Target Markets T
- axation & Incentives Report M
- itigation Strategy
trategic Partnerships & Business DevelopmentI
dentify potential clients, outsourcing partners, and industry alliances. Advise on relevant connections with national business councils & trade associations. Develop an engagement plan for potential partnerships.
- ist of Potential Partners & Stakeholders O
- utreach & Business Development Strategy
- International Branding & PositioningD
- evelop a localized marketing strategy for global clients. Train Outcess’ sales & customer engagement teams on international expectations.
- evised Service Offering & Branding Strategy I
- nternational Sales Enablement Guide and related training materials O
perational Arrangements T
he consultant will report to the management of Outcess as well as to the Nigeria country team of CFYE. The consultant will be contracted for this assignment through CFYE’s lead partner Palladium (Nigeria office) and contracting will be done in Nigerian Naira. Approvals on reporting (see also below) will be done together by Outcess and CFYE, which will also serve as trigger for payments.
n a day-to-day basis, the consultant will collaborate closely with the management team of Outcess. This means that the consultant is expected to work from the Outcess office frequently, and where needed join meetings or visits with partners etc.
ore Competencies & minimum requirements
he consultant should possess the following qualifications and expertise:
- nternational Market Expansion Experience 7
- -10 years in BPO, outsourcing, or technology-driven services. P
- roven track record in global market entry. R
- egulatory & Compliance Expertise S
- trong knowledge of GDPR, CCPA, labor laws, and tax implications. S
- trategic Business Development & Partnerships E
- stablished network in outsourcing & trade organizations. E
- xpertise in branding and sales enablement for international markets. F
- inancial assessments and risk analysis L
evel of Effort and Reporting T
he consultant can ideally start as soon as possible but no later than April 2025 and engage on the assignment for 3-4 months. This engagement is on a part-time basis, requiring approximately 8-12 hours per week with a maximum Level of Effort of 25-30 days. In its proposal, the consultant is requested to provide an overview of how the LoE is proposed to be divided over the different activities. During implementation, the consultant shall provide a monthly log of hours worked, detailing the activities performed. This should also lay the foundation for monthly invoicing for the assignment.
esides the abovementioned deliverables, the consultant will also provide a monthly progress report to Outcess and CFYE.
Important Safety Tips
- Do not make any payment without confirming with the Jobberman Customer Support Team.
- If you think this advert is not genuine, please report it via the Report Job link below.