5 Steps to Fast Track a Successful Career Change

The decision to change jobs usually starts with a desire, firmly rooted in reasons ranging from better pay, job satisfaction, fulfillment, and lots more. As we do know, a desire on its own is hardly enough to get things done. The desire is also often followed by a waiting period, which could vary from short, […]

The decision to change jobs usually starts with a desire, firmly rooted in reasons ranging from better pay, job satisfaction, fulfillment, and lots more. As we do know, a desire on its own is hardly enough to get things done. The desire is also often followed by a waiting period, which could vary from short, long or sometimes an excruciatingly long wait to find that perfect job.

At times, the waiting period before taking a leap from one job to another can be inspired by the determination to thread carefully and make sure you aren’t making the wrong decision. Which is good! Because when it comes down to it, leaving a job for another is considered by some a big risk, simply because the end goal is to end up in a greener pasture and not move from the proverbial fry pan to fire. However, an excruciatingly long wait can be because you don’t have the prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to fast track the process, irrespective of the stifling competition.

Here are 5 ways to move from desiring a job change to actually getting one, within the shortest possible time frame:

1. Evaluate your career journey: Carry out an extensive assessment of where you are in your career journey. This will require answering questions like- how much you’ve grown, what skills you have acquired, is there a skill gap that needs to be filled? What other high demand skills do you need to acquire? In doing this, it’s important to be very honest with your answers, as this is the only way to lay the right foundation for the journey you are about to embark on.

2. Evaluate your priorities: The decision to change jobs is often influenced by various factors. These specific factors must also take the front seat as you search for your next job opportunity. For instance, do you desire a job change because you’re burning out from the long commute to work? That will suggest that you prioritize proximity. Is it about getting a higher pay or just working in a bigger, more structured work environment? Having a clear cut vision of what your priorities are will help you quickly sift through the various no-go areas with regards to the company to move to.

3. Get the ‘extra’ factor: You may be wondering what the extra factor is, it’s actually simple- add something to your armoury that will stand you out from the other contenders in the job search community. Just like you, most of your contemporaries also go about with their Bsc, Msc, some professional certifications, and years of experience to show that they have the technical skills needed to get the job done. So what can make any hiring manager consider choosing you over the people who also possess the same qualifications as you? The answer is simple- Soft Skills! A 2016 study by Wonderlic showed that 93% of employers consider soft skills very important when making hiring decisions. Yes, it’s a big deal. Which is why we think you should give some serious thoughts to signing up for the Jobberman Soft Skills Training. Click here to get started.

4. Get an irresistible CV: Your CV is your first shot you get at making a good impression on a potential recruiter, so you need to be sure you’re making a good one. There really is no other way around it, if a CV isn’t convincing enough to make an hiring manager invite you for an interview, then there’s no way to prove your worth and get a step closer to landing that dream job. The competition out there is stiff, no gainsaying, hence, it is important to move from simply lumping qualifications, work experience, and a few other information on a generic template in hopes of getting the attention of that recruiter. We highly recommend getting a professional to review and rewrite your CV is a good way to improve your chances of getting hired, and quickly too.

Click here if you’d like to give it a try.

5. Take a smart and legitimate shortcut: Abraham Samuel, a teacher with over 7 years of work experience decided he needed a new job with a higher pay. So he began his job hunting by going from school to school, submitting his CV. The effort was futile until a ‘smarter friend’ (in his words) told him about the Jobberman platform. He went on to sign up as a job seeker, uploaded his CV, completed his profile 100%, and in no time, employers started reaching out to him and he got another job. He confessed it was the smartest move he made.

We’d like to add that the move was not only smart, but it was fast too! We honestly don’t believe you should have to spend months or even years, in search of another job. Not when we have hundreds of fresh job listings on Jobberman.com every day.

Now is the time to #SeizeYourNextOpportunity. Click here to get started.

Bukola Okikiolu
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