8 keywords to include in your CV for an Accounting Role

Accounting jobs are in great demand, so it’s critical for you to craft your resume in a way that demonstrates that you’re a suitable candidate for the position.

Accounting jobs are in great demand, so it’s critical for you to craft your resume in such a way that demonstrates that you’re a suitable candidate for the position. Recruiters no longer look through each application because of technological advancements; instead, they use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software that aids recruiters in managing and speeding up the recruitment process. Recruiters can use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to find candidates, assess their potential, track interview processes, evaluate performance, make offers, and hire them. 

The ATS sorts job applications based on keywords for the listed position. As a result, it’s critical for you as a job seeker to be aware of the keywords specific to the position you’re applying for, pay attention to them, and include them in your resume when applying for positions. 

Here are eight must-have keywords in your resume as you go on the hunt for your next Accounting job opportunity.

  • Financial Audits
  • Financial records
  • Budget forecast 
  • Processing tax payments and returns
  • Accounting transactions
  • Accounts payable and receivable
  • Balance sheets
  • Profit and loss

These keywords represent what the recruiters are looking for in a suitable candidate. Therefore, find tactical ways to include them in your work experience, education, and projects on your CV.

You could also include a skills section in which you can list your technical skills in order of proficiency. If you don’t have any experience with certain technical abilities or keywords, don’t put them in your resume, in order not to implicate yourself. 

To learn more about ATS, you can read here

Ready to land your next Accounting job? Here are the next steps:

  • Include the stated keywords in your CV
  • Create a 100% job seeker profile on Jobberman
  • Start exploring and applying for Accounting jobs- there are over 100 of them here!

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Daniel Oluwatosin
Notification Bell