4 Ways To Improve New Employee Onboarding Experience

Employee onboarding is so important that it can have been directly linked to how productive or long an employee stays at an organisation simply because of how well they understand the company’s goals, vision and culture. Recruitment can be a whole lot of work; with different strategies and ways to be agile in your hiring, […]

employee onboarding

Employee onboarding is so important that it can have been directly linked to how productive or long an employee stays at an organisation simply because of how well they understand the company’s goals, vision and culture.

Recruitment can be a whole lot of work; with different strategies and ways to be agile in your hiring, HR management teams can focus more on ensuring their employee onboarding process helps improve the company’s overall retention efforts.

According to recruitment experts, employee onboarding can be seen as the first as well as your second opportunity to correct or improve your candidate experience strategy. Let us take a look at onboarding strategies that would you improve your employee onboarding processes.

Do Your Researchemployee onboarding

One of the important ways about improving anything or process in the workplace is to dedicate enough time to find out what worked in the past, what is currently working for the company as well as strategies that could possibly work in the near future. To improve your employee onboarding strategy, make sure to take a poll of staff who you have recruited and on-boarded at your organisation in the last one year.

This would help you find out what to improve on, what to discard and new ideas that can be important to employee success. After your research, it is only wise to take action and improve your employee onboarding by setting new goals.

Personalise Your Employee Onboarding Process

Personalised employee onboarding processes and strategy can help reduce new hire anxieties and help blend into your company’s culture faster. From the receptionist to the gateman; everyone at the company should learn about the arrival of your new employee(s). This would help with being treated warmly on the day of resumption by other employees and can be a huge ice breaker for new hires.

Provide Supportemployee onboarding

Helping new hires become more successful at their job should involve you provide needful support. This should cover setting up their workspace before their arrival, providing needful training and mentorship opportunities. Having a go-to person for support is important for new hires to succeed at organisations. This would also minimize their risks and errors from them.

Make It Fun

A fun workplace brings a different energy. Make this a goal in your onboarding to portray your organisation as a serious but fun work environment where people are keen on attaining and achieving their goals and having fun doing it. Help your employees fall in love with the organisation by making the process fun.

It can be frustrating for new hires to arrive on the day of resumption without being informed about onboarding plans, no training, no dedicated workspace or work tools put in place. Resumption comes with a fear of the unknown and an exciting optimism. Your goal is to help them grow their optimism and carry this down from employee onboarding to their daily and weekly routines at your organisation.

Do you have any good or bad employee onboarding experience? Kindly share with us in the comment section below.

Jobberman Staff Writer
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