August 2022 marked exactly 13 years since Jobberman kicked off operations and set about her mission to bridge the talent gap across Africa.
Over the years, we have evolved and realized many things, one of which is that people are the greatest resource any organization can have. That loyal and dedicated employees are the bedrock upon which success is built, and it is on this foundation we have built the Jobberman legacy over the past 13 years and counting! For this reason, we kicked off our week-long anniversary activities by presenting Long Service Awards to deserving employees who have stayed true to Jobberman’s vision and core values for many years.

Celebrations continued with a reintroduction to our Values, Vision, and Mission to remind us why we do what we do. We recognize that to do what we do effectively; we need every player(staff) pulling together in the same direction. We had presentations by all the individual teams that make up Jobberman, so we could understand what makes each team tick and how we can effectively work together harmoniously to produce the desired results – match talents to opportunities.
Next, we had impactful learning sessions because we understand that no matter how far we go on this journey, the process of growing in knowledge never ends. There were insightful team discussions, activities, and case studies, all aimed to equip us with the requisite knowledge and skills to continue our mission to build talents and make a difference.

Ours is a story of impact through the years. It is noteworthy that we have upskilled close to half a million young people and equipped them with the Globally recognized Jobberman Soft Skills Employability Certificate to help them get and keep dignified gainful employment.
As a company, we’ve been committed to improving lives, and we’re proud of how much impact our work has made. It is astounding how many people have an Impact Story to tell about Jobberman. We launched a campaign tagged #MyJobbermanStory, and the reviews we got will serve as all the motivation we need to keep doing what we do and do it better.
Since we’re celebrating 13 years of impact and talent building, we also went into our archives to curate 13 fun facts about Jobberman you probably didn’t know before. One of the fun facts that particularly caught the public’s attention is that the office scene in the movie “God Calling” was shot in Jobberman. Did you miss the fun facts? Click here to see.
Lastly, we enjoyed a beach bonding day to close the anniversary celebrations. It was a “no-work day” featuring multiple fun sporting activities, music, food, dancing, and getting to know colleagues beyond the desk. It was a fantastic week, and It will be our greatest pleasure to share the milestones we will have achieved by the time our next anniversary celebration rolls around.

Happy 13th Anniversary, Jobberman. Here’s to 13 impactful years of bridging the Talent Gap!