Top 5 Benefits of Attending a Career Fair as a Recruiter or Employer

Why should you attend a career fair as an employer? From building your talent pipeline to networking, here’s why you must show up at job fairs.

Top 5 Benefits of Attending a Career Fair as a Recruiter or Employer

Apart from the obvious reason – which is to hire candidates for your open positions, are there benefits to attending a career fair as an employer? Or is it just smoke and mirrors? Let’s have a quick chat about it, shall we?

Job or career fairs are gatherings that bring recruiters or employers, and job seekers together. The main purpose of this convergence is to meet the common goal of a job seeker and employer – get hired or hire.

Usually, university career fairs target entry-level job seekers. However, company career fairs, like the upcoming Jobberman Lagos Career Fair, target job seekers at all levels.

Apart from filling open positions, participating in career fairs offers numerous additional benefits for companies. Here are some:

5 Reasons to Attend a Career Fair as an Employer

1. Grow Your Talent Pipeline

Attending a career fair allows you to connect with a large pool of potential candidates, both active and passive job seekers. By engaging with these individuals, you can build a robust talent pipeline for future hiring needs. 

Collecting resumes and contact information from interested candidates enables you to stay in touch and reach out when suitable positions become available. This proactive approach ensures that you have a steady stream of qualified applicants, reducing the time and resources required for future recruitment efforts.

2. Create Awareness for Your Company

Showing up at a career fair creates awareness about your company or organisation. Active job seekers can interact with you and spread the word about your company. You might be obscure to many of the talent pool in your industry especially if your marketing efforts need improvement.

It may not hit the numbers on your lead generation dashboard but the more people know about your brand offline, the more they’re likely to interact with it online. 

3. Scope Out Your Competitors and Potential Collaborators

By researching online, you may think you know all you need to know about your competitors. But seeing them in their element at a career fair provides a different perspective. One tiny detail about how they operate could give you an inkling of what you need to do less, do more, or shut down completely. 

Besides, you also get to meet other employers from companies in your industry. There could be a chance for collaboration and a career fair is a good place to initiate that type of conversation.

4. Help Interested Candidates Make Informed Choices

Yes, a well-curated job listing answers the basic questions about the roles you want to fill. However, at a career fair, you can provide first-hand information to interested job seekers about the requirements, job description, and growth prospects.

That way, interested job seekers can decide if they want to proceed or would prefer to apply to other companies. What’s the benefit of doing that? You reel in well-informed, top candidates who could fit your open roles excellently!

5. Pitch Your Products to Potential Users

It may not seem like it, but job seekers are consumers too. If you’re a B2C company, a career fair is also a good place to pitch your products. Although you may not be overt with your advertising, talking about your value proposition as a company tells your audience that there’s a product they could use even if they don’t end up working for the organisation. 

So, with all these points, you should jump on the opportunity to attend the Jobberman Lagos Career Fair. It’s held at The Podium, Lekki Phase 1 on the 25th of May, 2024. Register to attend. If you want a booth, you must have two to three open roles in your organisation. You must also be willing to hire at the event. 

What to Expect?

  • Connect with and hire top talents.
  • Grow your talent pipeline for future recruitment
  • Network with other employers in your industry.
Thelma Nwosu
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